Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fat Complaining and Killing the Elderly

These are two great shirts available from the Onion, self appointed as "America's Finest News Service" and easily the funniest fake newspaper in the country. If you don't read the Onion you should at least take a look at their American Voices feature. The Onion is also running a $9.99 tee sale at the moment that is expected to last through the holiday season, so act fast.

Monday, November 26, 2007

How Hamburgers Are Made

I like hamburgers and I like funny shirts. This one was kind of a no-brainer. The shirt is available from, which is currently running a $10 Tee Holiday Sale through December 16th.

And here is a picture of someone wearing it just for good measure

I have also included two videos with this post. The first is a very graphic video that shows the horror that is the edible meats industry to remind people that eating meat requires the death of animals. The second is a video from Sesame Street about the making of hamburger buns. I have included both in the interest of equal representation and so that people who don't want to see animals slaughtered are still entertained.

Video 1: Cattle Mutilation courtesy of

Video 2: Hamburger Bun Factory courtesy of Sesame Street

Friday, November 23, 2007

Copyright 1984, All Rights Reserved

This shirt makes clear to and any would-be biters that your appearance, style, and all elements of "you" are protected property and that legal action will commence in the event that anyone attempts to copy said elements without permission. The shirt comes from, so of course, it is available in a variety of different colors, shirt types, and other customizable options because that's just what they do.

My choice would be the above design, white lettering on a navy modern guy tee, with 1984 for the year. If you prefer symbols to words, you might like the simpler version below:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Intramural Zombie Hunter

This shirt will make you (me) look like you had to fight off an undead plague after you already went through the trouble of changing for gym class. Available in "No Gore" through "Lots of Gore." I am not kidding and I am definitely torn between the "More Gore" and "Lots of Gore" options.

Handmade and splattered DIY-style by the good people at If you are interested in more zombie hunting activitiesm, you should check out Zombie Squad.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Telivision is for Learning / They Live

What's that you say? A shirt that lampoons America's couch-potato culture while simultaneously referencing a John Carpenter movie starring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper that's about skinless humanoid aliens trying to take over the earth? I'm sold.

Available from CottonFactory.Com
If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the trailer for the best movie you never saw below:

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Eli Roth's "ThanksGiving"

Eli Roth recently licensed this shirt showing the poster for "Thanksgiving," his faux addition to the sub-genre of holiday-themed slashers. The movie never existed, and the trailer only appeared between the two features that made up Tarantino & Rodriguez's Grindhouse, but this shirt is still awesome and just in time for the holiday season.

Too bad it's only available at Hot Topic. Watch the ridiculous trailer:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Celebrate National Sarcasm Month!

This t-shirt comes from Diesel Sweeties and is based on a comic about how people who aren't funny try to get free laughs off of the hard work of professionals. The shirt also comes with a free "Less Cowbell" pin. Buy It.

Monday, November 12, 2007

NECK FACE Available From Giant Robot

NECK FACE is a graffiti artist whose work I have loved ever since I moved to NYC. He Once threw up "Beat Your Kids" 2o feet long on the side of a Chinese wholeseller around the block from my apartment. The tag only got funnier when someone obscured the "B" with another piece.

First: the man the myth Neckface is back with this goretastic Young Bloods tee! Check out this creature all curled up like a 'G' with all kinds of crap blowing out his eye sockets! Wicked! White print on Black shirt.

Second: Eye-poking fun from Neckface, the shadowy figure behind the book 'Satan's Bride'. Shirt comes in Beige.